Contemplate death. It's the ultimate truth.

Biggest lesson that I learned - "Every moment assume as if you are watching your own movie. Be a watcher of your life's movie. Isn't that fun and interesting?
Allow, keep calm, be aware & observe non-judgementally."

"If you are conscious / aware, it works. If you are unconscious / unaware / asleep then it doesn't work."

यो पृथ्वीमा, यो जगतमा हुन नहुने कुरा केहि पनि भको छैन
Because nature / God is so perfect and never does a mistake.
Everything is exactly as it should be.
पहिले जे भयो हुनुपर्ने कुरा नै भयो, अहिले जे हुदैछ हुनुपर्ने कुरा नै भैरहेको छ, भबिष्यमा जे हुन्छ त्यो नि हुनुपर्ने कुरा नै हुन्छ।
त्यसैले किन तनाब लिने यो जिन्दगीमा ?
तनाब लिनु भनेको मुर्खता हो।
Life is so simple. It's all about watching your own movie. If anything uncomfortable happens to the character, then it's okay. He's just a movie character, just the reference ID of who you are (i.e. Consciousness). The one who watches the movie, the watcher, the consciousness....is actually who you truly are. That movie character is just reference id of consciousness, the real you. SO SIMPLY WATCH THE MOVIE OF YOUR OWN LIFE. IT'S ALREADY SCRIPTED AND THE MOVIE IS ALREADY RELEASED WHEN YOU WERE BORN ON EARTH. NOW YOU HAVE NO CONTROL. SO SIMPLY WATCH THE MOVIE ;)
ALLOW so-called negative feelings like: "I am not good enough at _____ , I am not smart / talented, I'm slow, I'm not good looking, I fear, I get nervous so quickly, I'm not sound technically, etc."
ALLOW AND CELEBRATE failure too in life.
ALLOW AND CELEBRATE break-ups in relationship.
ALLOW AND OBSERVE desperation, frustrations, depression, loneliness, lust, fear and hopelessness.
Music and tech stuffs have always fascinated me. In IT field, I have over 6 years of experience. I'm a bit introverted and spiritual in nature. Regarding my musical career, I have released one album titled "Cosmic Soul" and various singles. It is available in all popular music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Amazon music. I have several nepali original songs too which I haven't released officially yet but it's available on my Youtube channel. You can check out my youtube channel clicking on this link:
Audio mixing
System Analysis & Critical Thinking
General counselling
Albumbs released
Original songs
Guitars owned
Gigs and concerts
Albums released
Original songs
Gigs and concerts
You are exactly where you are supposed to be. So, relax and chill!
- My Fav Books
- Dying to be me (Author: Anita Moorjani)
- Awareness (Author: Osho)
- A New Earth (Author: Echkart Tolle)
- Fear (Author: Thich Nhat Hanh)
- My Fav Quotes
- "Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it still."
- "I'm sitting in the backseat of the car which God is driving."
- "Life is a movie and we humans are the movie charaters."
- "Soul within us is God. So we are God in disguise."

Power of Awareness / Consciousness / Mindfulness
When professor teaches lessons to student, if student is not putting his awareness to his teaching, then he can't grasp anything from him.
But if student is listening to his professor with full awareness, he grasps what professor is trying to convey and will be knowledgeable.
See the difference when there is awareness and absence of awareness!
Scenario: Music is being played. One person is enjoying the music (as he is listening, putting his awareness to the music). And the other person is also there
who is sleeping, totally unaware of music. In this case, he can't enjoy the music. Awareness is the key!
Scenario: Movie is being played. One person is enjoying the movie (fully aware). He gets lots of knowledge and understanding from the movie. The other
person is sleeping (not aware). He misses what movie is trying to convey as he is not aware.
Scenario: Couple are totally drunk and unconscious. They can't enjoy sex. However, the other couple are fully aware and conscious. They can enjoy sex to the
Scenario: Music is being played. One person is enjoying the music (as he is listening, putting his awareness to the music). And the other person is also there who is sleeping, totally unaware of music. In this case, he can't enjoy the music. Awareness is the key!
Scenario: Movie is being played. One person is enjoying the movie (fully aware). He gets lots of knowledge and understanding from the movie. The other person is sleeping (not aware). He misses what movie is trying to convey as he is not aware.
Scenario: Couple are totally drunk and unconscious. They can't enjoy sex. However, the other couple are fully aware and conscious. They can enjoy sex to the fullest.

Allow. Don't force. Don't supress.
You don't hold / supress your shit when you want to use restroom, do you? Likewise, we should not supress , force anything. If something is trying to come out, let it. Allow. But hey, you need to manage when to let it out. You don't shit right away when it starts to push you. You take some time to go restroom and then only you shit, right? Likewise, eventually we need to allow, let go. But, we need to be patient enough to shit it out in managed way, in right time, in right place and favorable environment.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: shylaysh@gmail.com